Amazing Marvin - The best task manager?

Why use Marvin to get stuff done?

There are literally hundreds of apps out there that promise to help you get organized and be more productive.
Why pick Marvin?

Amazing Marvin

Smart Design

Using Science to create a better productivity tool

The productivity tool you use has a big influence on how in control you feel and how much you get done.

We take this responsibility very seriously and don't leave anything to chance.

Marvin is carefully designed using principles from behavioral Psychology to help you:

I had no idea how much of a difference it makes to work off a daily list. It feels like my productivity doubled overnight and I feel so much less overwhelmed now.

- Sarah F.

Highly customizable

Find your perfect workflow

Different things work for different people, so your workflow should be tailored to your unique brain and life.

In Marvin, each feature can be individually enabled and customized so you can experiment with your workflow without having to constantly try out different apps.

Sounds like a lot of work? No worries, Marvin works right out of the box and comes with premade templates. Plus, playing with the features is super fun and intuitive.

Amazing Marvin

Customize everything to build a tool that works for YOU.

I love how customizable Marvin is! The modularity of the system is genius. I feel like everything I need is right there at my fingertips.

- Tom L.

Strategies are a BRILLIANT idea, allowing one to effectively make their own app. I scarcely think I've ever seen that level of functionality and flexibility in any app, never mind productivity apps.

- Jonny M.

Fun and helpful

Unique Features designed to solve real problems

Not sure what task to do first? Worried you are putting too much on your plate? Feeling overwhelmed with the amount of tasks you have to do?

No matter the productivity challenge you face, Marvin probably has a feature to help with that.

Todo List Sections

Break up your daily todo list in any way that you want.

Time Blocking

Plan out your week – the more flexible alternative to scheduling tasks directly into a calendar.

Time Targets

Set targets for how much you want to work on things.

Long-term Planning

Plan projects and tasks for specific weeks/months and see if you are on track.

Super Focus Mode

Only see one task at a time for maximum focus.

Built-in Timers

Built-in sand and tomato timers.

Time Estimates

Add time estimates to tasks and see a total for each section/day.

Procrastination Count

See how many days you have been procrastinating each task.

Task Jar

Unsure what to tackle next? Put a list of tasks into a jar and pick from them at random.

Daily Bar Graph

See how many minutes you worked each hour and where the time went.

And so much more!

Be heard

We actually listen to our users and take feature requests seriously

Our users are the center of our universe.

We believe there is no point in making an app if you are not going to listen to the people using it on how to make it better.

Many of our features are a direct result of a customer email.

And while we do have a roadmap and vision, we always adapt our plans based on what our users tell us matters most.

You guys rock! I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the feature I mentioned in my email last week is included in the new version. Thank you!

Amir A.

Feel excited

Active development & exciting roadmap

Marvin is still a baby. There are so many amazing features coming up:

  • Habit Tracking & Goals support
  • Gamification
  • Built-in accountability
  • Collaboration
  • Reflections

As a Marvin user you'll always have something to look forward to and new features to try out.

The amount of quality features that I see getting pushed out and at such velocity is staggering.

- Brian

OK, those planned features sound AWESOME! Now I am really excited!

- Chen L.

Clean & gorgeous UI

Get work done - clutter and stress free

If you are looking for something clean and intuitive you will feel right at home with Marvin.

But no worries, just because we like to keep things looking simple on the surface, we never compromise on powerful features.

And whether you like what you see, want something more fun and colorful, or prefer night mode... our themes have got you covered!

Clean and simple productivity app

Your life might be busy and chaotic, but your productivity tool need not be.

I am in love with how Marvin looks! So simple and elegant. I cannot stand how cluttered so many task organizers look. Makes me stressed out.

- Linda P.

We Care

Get personal advice, anytime

When you sign up for Marvin are not just subscribing to a productivity app, you are joining a family. We deeply care about our users and will do anything in our power to make sure you are successful and happy with Marvin.

Never ever have I met such nice and helpful customer service. I wish there were an award I could nominate them for.

- Christine

I was impressed by the Amazing Marvin concept, but your customer service is even better.

- Heather W.