Amazing Marvin Factory Reset

Deleting your Data

While you can easily delete your account. It is also possible to delete much of your data without deleting your account. To do a factory reset, login to the Marvin App Account Page, scroll to the bottom of the page, click "Factory Reset", enter your password, and finally click "OK".

What is deleted?

All of your task data is immediately deleted. Local copies of your task data can be deleted by clearing your application storage and uninstalling the Amazing Marvin desktop and phone apps from all of your devices.

A new database is created for you, giving your account a fresh start.

What is not deleted?

Some data about any payments you made (e.g. your email address, billing postal code, and the last 4 digits of your credit card) is retained in case there are any questions about payments. Log files which may include your email address are retained for up to 30 days. A Factory Reset does not unsubscribe you from our mailing list.